Sunday, May 25, 2008

Messianic Postmodernity

This post may go over some people's heads, but I'm OK with that.

I'm really excited to be graduated so that now I can finally read all the books I've been wanting to read but couldn't because of the demands of school. I'm reading more about the "emergent" wing of the emerging church, frequently classified as those who reside in

One of their unifying traits (if any!) is the idea of what has been termed a "trajectory hermeneutic." Simply put, that is the idea that there seems to be a shift between old and new testaments, and the church continues the shift as our context changes. Some might call it evolutionary Christianity, some might call it stupid.

Some are claiming that we are in a new stage in God's redemption story, which included past things like creation, the exodus, the exile, Jesus' resurrection, (perhaps) the protestant reformation, and now postmodernism (or postmodernity?).

Here's the key question: is the Bible sufficient after 2,000 to 3,000 years of saying the same thing? Are the people that propound this view really under the direction of the Holy Spirit?

I'll make this brief: Yes with a but, and no with an if.
Yes, scripture is sufficient, otherwise we'd either get more of it or we wouldn't even need it.
While I believe that many of these people are Christian, (probably?) I think that some of their teachings are going to have serious consequences down the line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's sounds like these particular gurus feel a strong need to define their originality & uniqueness in larger picture of salvation history. that might not be too bad, but i do sense the inherent danger that you seem to sense. it's a like a sports star with much ability and lots of potential to be great, but has a chip on his shoulder and has to learn that nobody is bigger than the game, that you have to respect the game. you're a player, NOT the game itself. maybe these gurus need to be reminded that they are NOT above the game, i.e. salvation history. they stand on the shoulders of their predecessors, and we all stand only after kneeling before Christ!