Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Confession

It's amazing to me that much of my haranguing of the "traditional church" stems from petty jealousy. Why don't I have a big church (or A church) like those other idiots?

Which idiots, you ask?
--Joel Osteen has the largest church in America and you're lucky to hear a reference to the Bible (much less Jesus) in one of his sermons.
--Then there was that guy in Colorado who had a mega church, was president of the Evangelicals, but got caught doing meth with a gay prostitute.
--Also my wife had a friend whose husband had several church jobs and a touring band, but he decided to turn his back on his career, his wife, and his five kids for some floozy he met at seminary of all places.

So why do these guys get the good gigs, while people like me, who have no idea where to even buy crystal methamphetamine, or who talk a lot about Jesus in sermons, struggle to find a gig with more than twenty people? Do you see what I am doing here? I'm masking my sins behind their "bigger" sins and claiming something to the effect that God doesn't need to use as much grace with me as He does with others. So, basically, I'm making it easier on God; He gets the better end of the deal, right? Right? Yeah, I guess not.

What I really hate is hearing people with big (150+) churches talking about how miserable they are sometimes! If you hate it so much, then why don't you step down and let some of the rest of us have a turn?!? I really used to think that pastors weren't in it for themselves, but lately I've seen so many who are absolutely intent on plastering their own pretty face and their brilliance all over the place. When I was in high school, we called these kind of people "attention whores." I wonder what John the Baptist meant when he said "he must increase and I must decrease." I like the kind of pastors who hate the spotlight and hate the sound of their own voice, but these guys don't have mega churches, they instead force their way into email inboxes through their own soapbox blogs, like me!

It's so easy to have that cheese ball humility amid success; I should know, I've been successful at various times. The difficult thing is to live with humility that comes from trial and failure. When life humiliates you, that is a whole different ball of cheese; plus it isn't so offensive to others I've found.

People like to say that when God closes a door, He opens a window. What they fail to reveal is that the window is usually on the second or third floor with really pointy bushes below you, and the window is really small and uncomfortable to squeeze through, and once you're outside, you really wonder whether or not you should have stayed inside and waited just a little while longer for another door to open, but in reality we all want what we can't have, and just when we get it we start wanting something else that we can't have and just start blaming God for the fact that life isn't perfect, but if life were perfect how would we know we needed God??

Or maybe that's just me....


Anonymous said...

i love your honesty bro. thanks for reminding us that it's grace or bust, that the pastor with a bad attitude relies on grace as much as the one with a double life, that there are no all-stars in the kingdom - well, only one.

Ron P said...

Andrew I have been reading your blogs. They make a lot of sense. I have been looking at our church and its problems. Several years ago when the focus was ministering to the people within the church the church was sound. Being sound it was an outreach in itself, bringing in many others.
However then the focus became on "Wow Let's get bigger" "We need more land, we need a bigger building, more programs." The focus seems to have gotten to be lets keep up and compete with bigger churches so we can be big. Instead of getting bigger we are getting smaller as people are leaving looking elsewhere.
I personally have made it a point to be in more contact with my deacon families and inquire of prayer or physical needs that they may have.
I am uncertain just why so many people are calling me personally with their concerns but there must be a reason. Well anyway keep blogging you are inspiring me.