Sunday, July 20, 2008


As some of you can imagine, I'm not really happy working at UPS. I've been looking for a supplemental job for awhile now, and I may have something here. Over the weekend, I interviewed for a job with T-Mobile. The great thing is, it sounds like this could be more than a supplemental income job, but a real job for awhile that could take the place of UPS and allow me to make a livable wage, finally!! So pray for me as the process continues.

Thanks to God's provision, we were able to pay off over $14,000 of credit card debt across four cards in just over three years, even while going to school. I'm really hoping that this will be the time in our lives that puts us ahead, financially. It's really great to have that monkey off our back.

And now for something completely different....
In my interview yesterday, I had to explain what I was doing with my degree(s) and what my goals were. It's difficult enough explaining "house church" (a better term is organic church) to someone who's a theologically trained pastor, but to a non-Christian all I could think about is that it came across like I was a cult member!

In other news, this Saturday is the big day: moving day. So much happening, new living space, new job (possibly), new phase in life, and please pray that we can get something going in our area by way of home Bible studies or something.

The only thing on my horizon is everything.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Humble "Innovation"

Because of anti-traditional diatribes of late, I have been questioned by several people vis-a-vis what happens when my anti-traditions become tradition.

First, I want to make clear that none of my ideas are innovations. In fact, most of them even predate Jesus (e.g., Socratic method style teaching).

Second, I have no love whatsoever for chasing fads, or the next new thing. Part of the problem with institutionalized churches (e.g. Willow Creek, Saddleback) that hold conference after conference promoting new, bigger, better, faster, whatever, is that they eat up huge chunks of budget on surface stuff. I am dealing with a foundational understanding of what the church is.

Third, I have to realize that not everyone will agree with me now or ever. The problem with more traditional churches is that they don't care and will not listen to younger people. When I was in high school, the pastor of my church was retirement-age and I loved him (still do!). Why? Because he treated me as a valued person and took time to talk with me and get to know me and pray for me. That's all I'm really looking for: acceptance, the ability to be myself without being judged or relegated to being a second-class Christian.

In summary, I'm not looking for something new, per se, I'm looking for something real, authentic, meaningful, and worthwhile.

I find it funny that even the "liberal" churches are having the same problems with their young people. It's not about mere rebellion, or taste, or style, or preference. It's about humbling yourself, being open to dialogue with your "enemies," and dropping the need to always be right.

I can now guarantee you that I have been wrong on some of my blogs. It's OK with me.

It takes a big man to admit his mistakes, and I am that big man. I've just got to go out there, stand up for what I believe in, and do the best I can do. I'm not the pope, I'm not Jesus, but I see a broken system in American church discipleship. I can't just stand by and ignore it. Something's got to change. If I'm suggesting the wrong things, let's talk about it and see where we end up.

I am sure of a few things: inform people why you do what you do, don't blow smoke and make up crap that sounds good but isn't really in the Bible, and treat people like they are valuable until they actually become valuable.