Saturday, September 27, 2008

Why not?

This is just kind of a passing fancy, just to see if I can do it, but I have been thinking about trying to just eat vegetarian for one week. I'm not sure I can even make it a day, but there will surely be no harm in trying it.

I was originally thinking about going for one month, but that's kind of ridiculous. I'll probably keep dairy in there. I'm not going to go all vegan or anything.

It's mostly just curiosity. I haven't picked when I'm going to start yet. Who knows, I may just end up not even doing it.

I guess I put this in my blog just to see if anyone had any thoughts or suggestions, you know, like vegetables that actually taste good and stuff....

We'll see.

The Checklist of Sin...

What's on your "Sins Checklist"?

I know it seems like an odd question, but the thing is, most of the behaviors we know as "sin" are not even covered in the Bible. And some that are, are not the things we make them. I'll give you some examples:

1) Saying cuss words
2) Smoking/dipping tobacco
3) Drinking Alcohol (as in not to drunkenness and debauchery and belligerency)
4) Listening to loud rock/rap music

The problem with evaluating people by these (or whatever) criteria is that oftentimes we often treat people much differently based on whatever category we put them in: Sinner/Saint/Whatever. Hidden in these categories are often feelings of superiority or even disdain, or maybe that's just me.

Anyway, I don't really know you, so I don't know if this applies to you at all. But I was just thinking that God maybe doesn't care so much about the things that top our sin list. I wonder what God's list looks like, and which boxes I can check off. Probably none, really if God gets to define them. He has a way of perfection that I hate comparing myself with because I end up looking like a pretty big dirtbag compared to Jesus.

I wonder what it was like to be around a perfect guy. What would it be like to get a compliment from a perfect human, like about big faith, or whatever.

Have you ever noticed Jesus' categories of sinful people? "Hypocrits and Little-Faith-ers." The first century Jews had "tax collectors and prostitutes." The Roman aristocracy had "barbarians and slaves." My personal top two were/are "fornicators and idiots." In the past in America there were "hippies and communists." So what are your categories of sinners? I bet whatever they are, they conveniently leave you out.

I think I tend to be more of a "ye of little faith" than anything else.