Saturday, September 27, 2008

Why not?

This is just kind of a passing fancy, just to see if I can do it, but I have been thinking about trying to just eat vegetarian for one week. I'm not sure I can even make it a day, but there will surely be no harm in trying it.

I was originally thinking about going for one month, but that's kind of ridiculous. I'll probably keep dairy in there. I'm not going to go all vegan or anything.

It's mostly just curiosity. I haven't picked when I'm going to start yet. Who knows, I may just end up not even doing it.

I guess I put this in my blog just to see if anyone had any thoughts or suggestions, you know, like vegetables that actually taste good and stuff....

We'll see.


Toby D. said...

You'll have to let the group know how it goes. t

Anonymous said...

uuuhhhhhhhh . . . good luck with that lol! good for you, i guess, for trying to see things from another perspective. gotta go - i've got burgers and bacon cooking!