Sunday, March 22, 2009

Awkwardity and Jesus

One of my favorite comedy routines is Jim Gaffigan talking about Christianity. I think you can find the routine on youtube or his website or something. Just Google it, why should I do all your detective work?! Or just take my word for it, it's hilarious.

In one of his bits, he talks about how things get immediately awkward whenever anyone brings up the topic of Jesus. Even the pope gets weirded out by it, he claims. "Easy fella, I keep work at work!"

I have definitely found this to be true in every case. There is something immediately awkward about any situation that "Jesus" is uttered as anything but a swear word. Why is this? As far as I know, there is no weird feeling in the room when discussion turns to Satan, Buddha, or even Muhammad.

Is it because "Jesus" immediately makes people recognize their failures, imperfections, and sins? Is it because the devil don' like it? Is it because "There's just something about that name?" Does the name, "Jesus" have magic voodoo powers?

More than anything, I lean toward the first option, especially in the North American culture of entitlement and self-esteem that says we're not perfect but we're really awesome and stuff and anything is in our power, regardless of who we are.

Maybe it's because the topic of Jesus is always tethered to the topic of hell. No small wonder, since Jesus never seems to resist an opportunity to talk about hell. In fact, he's really the only Bible character who talks about it at length. Kind of odd for the hippy, dress-wearing, pacifist, long-haired philosopher.

OK, so one, two, three: share your thoughts and comments on things being awkward when Jesus comes up in conversation. For instance: reading this blog...?


Anonymous said...

I never made the connection you did, that Jesus is so much more awkward than any other "deity." Interesting point, I must say!

mike fox said...

andrew, i know exactly what you're talking about. whatever it is, it's the reason so many christians (myself included) find evangelism so difficult and so intimidating. it's sort of embarassing because in other countries people don't just feel awkward when someone talks about Jesus - they get out machetes and guns and put burlap sacks over the would-be evangelists' heads! still, that "awkwardity" (an andrew word for sure) is a powerful force to fight against.

and to answer your question, i think it's guilt and conviction that make it awkward.

later man

Anonymous said...

Hey bud,

Good article man, I totally agree! You could even go a step further and look at the way true Christianity is regarded in this country. People are willing to accept the Joel Osteen brand of Christianity that basically appeals to those with "itching ears", but lashes out (sometimes violently) at people and churches who take a Biblical stance on things like homosexuality, abortion, pornography, fornication, or even a literal HELL!

Great job brother,


Andrew said...

I agree with you about persecution in other countries, but not all countries. Some are very open to religious discussions because they have no idea who Jesus is.

Part of it is it's just difficult to wade through everybody's baggage of what Christianity is and who Christians are. It's rarely accurate, and who wants to be labelled that way? Yet when you break through all that, it usually ends up being very rewarding. "Christian Cocaine" Dr.DeVine used to say.

mike fox said...

hey, didn't you used to blog from time to time?