Friday, August 1, 2008


Moving is no fun!

So now the wife and me are in a new place with a little breathing room (finally!). Although, the living room is a stupid "L" shape that is impossible to design around with our furniture. Not only that, but the finished basement, while big, has narrow stairs that almost no furniture can go down, so our hands are really tied, decorationally speaking. Oh well.

I don't know if anyone can relate, but I really, REALLY hate applying for jobs. The work is so tedious and most of the time you don't even get the job.

As of a week or two ago, I've decided to officially put any church ambitions on an indefinite hold. I'm just kind of sick of pushing against God all the time. It's frustrating when every point on the compass is the wrong direction!

So here I am, clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. So, I'm just wondering if I'm completely stuck for the rest of my life in a job that I hate, living totally unfulfilled, and letting all my talent go to waste. Maybe I don't even have talent? I just want the feeling that I'm making a difference somewhere. Is that wrong?

Will there ever be a rainbow?


Anonymous said...

wanting to make a difference must needs be considered a noble task . . .

hang in there friend, don't give up on the wait

Anonymous said...

How much are you willing to bet that you will look back on this at an UNKNOWN time in the future and be thanking God for all the things He didn't let you have now??!!??

PS- I AM really sorry things aren't working out for you like you would want, I will be praying for you and Jennifer!

Toby D. said...

You said "Blech". See you next week!

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for that Ministry job that doesn't deal with carrying the mail. But then again in my 27 + years of carrying mail God has put ministry opportunities in front of me. Some I have been faithful and dealt with and some I have stepped around ashamedly.
Granted I didn't have your credentials but I did have the desire. As Kandy keeps telling me I guess I'll say the same to you, Pray, Pray and Pray some more. Some times I wonder If I am praying the right prayer. I have no doubt God has plans for you and Jen. Maybe God has even revealed some opportunities to you but because of your desire to do something else you have half-heartedly or not at all tried to pursue those.
If you stop and think there are many stories in the Bible where people did something other that what God had planned for them and they struggled becasue they didn't see or understand God's plan. I am not saying that Is what is happening to you right now but who knows?
With the economy what it is right now I think the song "Count your Blessings" seems to come to mind. You both do have jobs and the health and ability to pursue other jobs. You have a place to live and two dependable cars. You had friends who gave of their time and efforts to help you move.
The other song that comes to mind is one that few of us like to hear "In His Time". God Bless we are praying for you both always. R & K

Anonymous said...

Hey, Brother, I understand. Know that you are not alone. I don't have any words of wisdom, just a sympathy and compassion as a fellow resident alien.