Wednesday, December 19, 2007

On a More Personal Note

I have been writing a lot about issues I feel passionately about, but I also wanted to use this blog to keep people up to date about what condition my condition is in.

Work has been busy!! Sure, the overtime is nice, but it has been wearing me out! I worked 20 hours of overtime the same week as my finals. But things are finally winding down. I still haven't done any Christmas shopping yet, and I still haven't gotten my grades.

Basically, I'm just really tired.

I've got a unique church situation going on. My church planting professor is the interim pastor for a church "replant" close to the school. He asked me to do music for the church, since their previous musicians quit. So, I don't know if I can be called "minister of music" yet or not, but I'm gonna have fun there. They are really nice people, and they seem to like my singing. I hope I can get some preaching opportunities there, as well, before my time is done this summer.

Jennifer (the old ball and chain) still lives with me as far as I know. I see her briefly on the weekends. It's been pretty rough on both of us, working so hard and not having any time together. I'm still praying for the day when we will both have day jobs with banker's hours so we can enjoy each other's company. She's been working very hard at Wal-Mart, dealing with inventory and thousands of customers. She's such a trooper.

If anyone out there in Internet-land wants to buy me a Christmas present, then by all means follow that instinct. My wife says I'm hard to shop for, but I always know exactly what to get me. Basically, I don't like useless stuff, or stuff that takes up space. I want things that serve an important purpose. For example, a restaurant gift card would allow me to have time with my wife or a friend. A decorative thing would take up space that we don't have. I could wear a nice shirt or pants to church every few weeks. As for books or movies, I am very picky about what I buy, and I don't have much shelf space (thank you seminary!!). I also really don't care for things that are impersonal.

Jennifer is very easy to shop for. Just get her some girly crap. Just kidding! She likes frogs, she uses lots of lotion, candles, stuff like that, and if you REALLY want to impress her, get her a gift card to Starbucks. Through process of elimination I have found out that she doesn't like power tools, sports memorabilia, anything with potty humor, or ancient books on theology. What a weirdo!!

Merry Christmas to all, and let me hear from some of you!!

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