Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Missing Piece

With my imminent career in ministry as a pastor somewhere, I am increasingly convicted by my lack of vision, as far as big picture Christianity is concerned. I am struggling to find the "missing piece" of the puzzle, the "keystone," the "unified theory" that will put all this stuff that is swimming around in my head together. I feel like I'm at the eye doctor trying out lenses; he keeps asking "better or worse?" and I can't figure it out.

Here's what I know: I am dissatisfied with a lot of what I read about church and purpose. So much is wrapped up in individualism. That is, the way sanctification (or progressive holiness, if that even exists) happens is by personal prayer, personal Bible study, personal avoidance of sin, and personal evangelism. Well, if that is our goal, then all the church can do is train and instruct. This church is bringing people into the Kingdom.

Yet, I find that insufficient. So much of the Bible (especially the New Testament) is group-based and community-oriented. That is, God has made for himself a people, rather than a bunch of persons.

Granted, we don't lose our individual personalities, but what I mean is that the whole (community) is vastly greater than the sum of its parts (the individuals). Each individual has a key part to play in the functioning of the body. Each individual makes a difference in the body of Christ. Sanctification happens in community as believers exercise their spiritual gifts toward each other, as believers serve one another, and as believers take (as a team) the gospel to the lost.

In this way, the function of the church becomes taking the kingdom to the people. This church is focused outward, showing their faith by their works, experiencing the full life, even on earth, that Jesus promised. They are no longer working for the weekend (heaven), they are living in the present. In this way, God is more glorified by a visible community of living faith, rather than enjoying him privately (take THAT, John Piper!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good article. you don't have to post this, but if i might comment....
the thing you are struggling with sounds like the thing that perplexes me about the patience of a pastor. you are trying to find a way to bring individuals in an individualistic society together for the greater good and advancement of the kingdom of God. the irony is: it is up to the individual to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and volunteer time, money, and/or God forbid comfort to be a part of the lighthouse to the community that the church should be. no matter how many programs or events you set up- people have to show up and be faithful for them to work. all you can really do is pray that God will provide the right members to achieve what He has led you to do with the flock you've been entrusted. you've got a tough challenge ahead- be ready to stand alone. you're in my prayers.
