Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Wrong Tuxedo

In speaking about all that's "wrong" with more traditional churches, I have had something playing in my mind over and over again.

There is a very memorable scene in the movie Dumb and Dumber (I like the TV version so all the bad stuff is cut out) where Jim Carey's character is trying on a series of tuxedos. He comes out in all these amazing, expensive, and fancy tuxedos and has just a horrible, uncomfortable look on his face.

Then, he finds a bright orange, hideously outdated tuxedo and top hat and just starts dancing around, happy as a puppy, while the salesmen are absolutely horrified.

That's me. Although other people like and respect all these other church forms, I am just miserable when I'm put in them. They may look good on me, but they feel so constricted and uncomfortable.

Yet, when I found this new tuxedo (the organic, emerging church), I immediately fell head over heals in love with it. It's what I was born to do!

So much more of the Bible makes sense in this context. I am now free to be creative and express the gifts that God gave me, and not pretend to be something I'm not. Evangelism flows from a love of God now, instead of some bully making me. My sermons get infused with passion when I talk about it! The world finally makes sense here.

I know that I may fall flat on my face and be an absolute failure at this endeavor to plant a church with virtually no support or financial backing. I don't care, because I've got Jesus, and that's got to count for something! Besides, I'll have a regular job, so I won't need the church's (or a mission organization's) money.

It all goes back to masculinity. I need risk. I need challenge. I need something that can only happen because of God. I just need to wear the tuxedo that fits. This is my quest.

"Certain death? Small chance of success? What are we waiting for?!" --Gimli, LOTR

Monday, March 24, 2008

Girly-Man Christians

I just finished "Why Men Hate Church" and I was in hearty agreement! Basically, church is for sissies, which is ironic, since almost all pastors and leaders are still "men." There is no challenge from the church (except to stop being mean and naughty?) and church is all about sitting still, being quiet, sharing emotions, and happy-clappy music (if you're LUCKY). Plus, the God of Christianity (Jesus) is portrayed as being a total wuss (a hippie in a dress).

I'm not going to say that the solution is to allow belligerance, disrespect, and casual sex into the church, but somebody needs to "man up" and say that it's OK to be Christian and masculine. How did Jesus, Paul, and David get turned into guys who drink tea while sitting on the couch and talking about their feelings?

As the great theologian and philosopher of this age, Sinbad, once eloquently said, "women be different from men!" Christianity should not be marked by either masculine or feminine traits, but should let the glory of God be reflected in different ways by the different sexes.

I'm sure there will be some debate on this, but men need manly examples of courage, vision, self-sacrifice, perseverance, leadership, how to treat women, all mixed with humility and reverance for God. While at the same time, women need womanly examples of sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows...

...of course I'm joking.

...they need examples of nurture, hospitality, relationship, sharing, empathy, mercy, and support, and coochie coo baby stuff, and and I'm sure their are many other things, but I'm not by any means the expert on women!! I'll let woment figure out what their femininity means, just as long as I still get to watch football.



Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So What's the Remedy?

In quick response to my last posts, I want to propose a solution to the "problems." My main problem is that the older forms of churches are out of touch with culture, but not in the good way. While being irrelevant to the sinful elements of culture is absolutely what the church is called to do, we are not commanded to just be relevant to older cultures. Missionaries have learned this and work with their people to produce biblically-faithful AND culturally relevant Christianity.

As far as music, I love a lot of hymns, but the music is awful!! I love how many musicians are putting old words to new music. Whenever I hear an old style hymn next to a modern song, it just clashes so horribly, like plaid and polka dot! You can keep the words, just modify the tune and chord structure. It may be fine for Martin Luther, but it makes me cringe.

As to culture, there are many innocent cultural forms, such as music, clothes (as long as they cover up all the naughty parts), hairstyles, architecture, furniture, technology, language, and so many other things! However, the church must always take a strong stand against things that are universally sinful, such as extramarital sex, homosexuality, lying, stealing, drunkenness, rage, hatred, oppression, greed, violence against women, rape, murder, abortion, child abuse, racism, injustice, idolatry, and I'm sure there are others that I forgot to mention.

Let me say about language that the church needs to ensure that she is understood. People need to know what they accept/reject. When was the last time you heard someone use the words exalt, holy, sanctification, repentance, propitiation, or blasphemy in regular speech outside the church? Yet all these words were very secular first century words that everybody knew and used. What if instead we said, honor, pure, purification, turning away, satisfaction, or slander?

Finally, does anyone really like to be lectured? Traditional churches often want you to attend around five church lectures per week. Give me a break! All churches need to put up or shut up! Quit talking about it and do it! People learn better by doing anyway! Jesus always balanced his teaching approach between listening and doing. Gee, maybe we should do that too.

OK, I'm done with my little rants. Hopefully I've hit some nerves and people will send me some nasty hate mail. It's OK, I can take it.

What's Wrong with Traditional Churches? Part 3

Finally, in my scathing assessments of what everybody else is messing up, I want to say a word about Seeker/Purpose Driven/Vineyard/Contemporary churches.

I find it a peculiar irony that these churches still call themselves "contemporary" when most of them are based on Baby Boomer sensibilities perfected in the 1960s-80s.

These churches are now falling into the temptation to perpetuate a dying culture, yet some are realizing that the morally-neutral aspects of church culture need to evolve in order to take Jesus the next generation.

I will say it again, the "morally-neutral" aspects should change. Music is absolutely morally-neutral, and if you disagree, then why are you not singing the Hebrew and Greek styles that the first century church used? There is nothing sinful about an electric guitar or drums.

My biggest problem with the "contemporary" church is, however, the music. Why do all the songs have to be in a gay, Elton John/hippie/happy-clappy style? And why are all the songs totally devoid of teaching and depth?

"You are worthy and wonderful" WHY?!?!?
"We love You, Lord" WHY?!?!!?
"We lift You up!" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN????

I love what Mark Driscoll says about these churches, where Jesus is portrayed as a "gay, hippie in a dress" that you sing "prom songs" to. (I think he says that in each of his books and interviews but I took it from "Confessions of a Reformission Rev.")

Then, of course, there is the whole issue of the CEO-style leadership that all these churches have, and the desire to entertain seekers rather than follow Jesus. How did this get to be so popular?

What's Wrong with Traditional Churches? Part 2

Next in my series of "everybody's wrong but me" in church matters comes "What's wrong with traditional baptist-style churches.

Traditional Southern Baptist or Independent Baptist churches do not really have the same problems as say the traditional Lutheran or Anglican/Episcopalian churches. But a similar weakness exists.

They arose from 18th-19th century hillbilly and farming communities across the South. This is why so many church planting efforts from the SBC have been such spectacular failures up North, except among those who used to live in the South.

So I have the same problem: in order to become a Christian one has to change from a 21st century person into someone who likes old-timey stuff and white gospel music, along the lines of "O Brother Where Art Thou." (believe it or not, gospel used to be the "pop" music of the 40s and 50s!). Again, it's perpetuating a culture that wasn't even that good to begin with, but old habits die hard. So many things in traditional churches are sacred cows, but they weren't even invented until 1700 years or more after Jesus died! So why is it sacrosanct if it's not even in the Bible? Things such as pews, pianos, organs, steeples, those stupid little Lord's Supper crackers, Gaither music, wearing suits to church, Sunday School (an 18th cent. invention!!), most hymns, titles such as Reverend, talking to God in Shakespearean English, and so on. (although they do get baptism right!)

Also, most of these style churches have ZERO baptisms/year because they are made up of curmudgeonly old people who hate young people, hate lost people, and hate each other, and they especially hate change!

So basically, because I am not a hillbilly farmer from the post-civil war South, they have nothing to offer me (except the awesome fried chicken pot lucks), and they don't want anything that I have to offer....

That is, until I show my skills in men's gospel quartet singing!

What's Wrong with Traditional Churches? Part 1

I was just asked by a Christian friend today, "what's wrong with traditional churches?" Seeing as that's kind of a loaded question, I'll try to tread lightly here.

First of all, let me say that every church is different, and what I'm about to say does not apply to every church, so if it doesn't apply, don't be offended.

The main problem I have with the traditional church is that it arose out of a culture that really doesn't exist anymore, that is, Victorian/Colonial western society. Believe it or not, traditional churches were VERY culturally relevant in times past, but it was and is VERY different from the first century church. (First Cent. church had no building, no staff, no instruments, and had no connections to government, but used grassroots efforts to change their world).

The Bible was written in language that regular Jews and Gentiles understood. Now, traditional churches use language that only exists in church, so there is a huge disconnect that is perpetuated by church, instead of building bridges to lost people.

Thus, in traditional churches, for a person to be saved, they must not only change religion from whatever to Christianity, they must also stop being 21st century Americans and become 17th-18th century Englishmen!

Sure, Victorian England is cool and all, but why should that culture be the only way to properly worship God?

I think that every culture should have a way to worship God in their own way without bringing in paganism or idolatry or heresy or impurity. There's a bunch of stuff in the Bible about every tribe, tongue, and nation worshiping God.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Is This Thing On??

I think it's been about a month since I last posted. Here's a synopsis of what has happened.

--Preaching class has taken a lot of my time. I generally have good content, but I'm having trouble with enthusiasm in delivery. I'm still working on it, though.

--The youth pastor thing in TN did not work out. We had an interview over the phone, but I was not that excited about the area (too Bible-belt), and the church (too traditional). They were not excited by my lack of experience and fascination with the emerging church movement. So, it looks like Virginia is still a go! (where 85% of the people do not go to church, and I can have the freedom to build a church according to the way that God has put me together)

--Church at North Point Fellowship is trucking along. I'm still struggling to find my place there.

--I'm having a really hard time with the job search arena as far as DC area employment is concerned. I really need prayer for this! (Curse my worthless WSU diploma!)

--Spring Break is next week and I cannot wait! I have a vacation from work that week as well. I am really going to enjoy it!