Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's Wrong with Traditional Churches? Part 1

I was just asked by a Christian friend today, "what's wrong with traditional churches?" Seeing as that's kind of a loaded question, I'll try to tread lightly here.

First of all, let me say that every church is different, and what I'm about to say does not apply to every church, so if it doesn't apply, don't be offended.

The main problem I have with the traditional church is that it arose out of a culture that really doesn't exist anymore, that is, Victorian/Colonial western society. Believe it or not, traditional churches were VERY culturally relevant in times past, but it was and is VERY different from the first century church. (First Cent. church had no building, no staff, no instruments, and had no connections to government, but used grassroots efforts to change their world).

The Bible was written in language that regular Jews and Gentiles understood. Now, traditional churches use language that only exists in church, so there is a huge disconnect that is perpetuated by church, instead of building bridges to lost people.

Thus, in traditional churches, for a person to be saved, they must not only change religion from whatever to Christianity, they must also stop being 21st century Americans and become 17th-18th century Englishmen!

Sure, Victorian England is cool and all, but why should that culture be the only way to properly worship God?

I think that every culture should have a way to worship God in their own way without bringing in paganism or idolatry or heresy or impurity. There's a bunch of stuff in the Bible about every tribe, tongue, and nation worshiping God.

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