Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's Wrong with Traditional Churches? Part 3

Finally, in my scathing assessments of what everybody else is messing up, I want to say a word about Seeker/Purpose Driven/Vineyard/Contemporary churches.

I find it a peculiar irony that these churches still call themselves "contemporary" when most of them are based on Baby Boomer sensibilities perfected in the 1960s-80s.

These churches are now falling into the temptation to perpetuate a dying culture, yet some are realizing that the morally-neutral aspects of church culture need to evolve in order to take Jesus the next generation.

I will say it again, the "morally-neutral" aspects should change. Music is absolutely morally-neutral, and if you disagree, then why are you not singing the Hebrew and Greek styles that the first century church used? There is nothing sinful about an electric guitar or drums.

My biggest problem with the "contemporary" church is, however, the music. Why do all the songs have to be in a gay, Elton John/hippie/happy-clappy style? And why are all the songs totally devoid of teaching and depth?

"You are worthy and wonderful" WHY?!?!?
"We love You, Lord" WHY?!?!!?
"We lift You up!" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN????

I love what Mark Driscoll says about these churches, where Jesus is portrayed as a "gay, hippie in a dress" that you sing "prom songs" to. (I think he says that in each of his books and interviews but I took it from "Confessions of a Reformission Rev.")

Then, of course, there is the whole issue of the CEO-style leadership that all these churches have, and the desire to entertain seekers rather than follow Jesus. How did this get to be so popular?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you've struck a chord with me hear. i was teaching sunday school & part of the lesson was about how all different kinds of people should come together in a church INSTEAD of breaking into different homogenous (spelling? &, i didn't use that word at church lol)that meet at different times because they don't like each other. to my surprise, one of the older people at our church spoke up to complain about "younger" music, & we quickly fell into a KJV-only debate lol. i tried to show patience & love, but i had to remind us all that it's not about me, or you, or whoever, it's about "us" coming together to serve the Lord, even if that means we listen to a song that's not our cup of tea for the sake of that brother who i'm supposed to love. sorry, my comment has turned into a blog