Monday, March 17, 2008

Is This Thing On??

I think it's been about a month since I last posted. Here's a synopsis of what has happened.

--Preaching class has taken a lot of my time. I generally have good content, but I'm having trouble with enthusiasm in delivery. I'm still working on it, though.

--The youth pastor thing in TN did not work out. We had an interview over the phone, but I was not that excited about the area (too Bible-belt), and the church (too traditional). They were not excited by my lack of experience and fascination with the emerging church movement. So, it looks like Virginia is still a go! (where 85% of the people do not go to church, and I can have the freedom to build a church according to the way that God has put me together)

--Church at North Point Fellowship is trucking along. I'm still struggling to find my place there.

--I'm having a really hard time with the job search arena as far as DC area employment is concerned. I really need prayer for this! (Curse my worthless WSU diploma!)

--Spring Break is next week and I cannot wait! I have a vacation from work that week as well. I am really going to enjoy it!

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