Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So What's the Remedy?

In quick response to my last posts, I want to propose a solution to the "problems." My main problem is that the older forms of churches are out of touch with culture, but not in the good way. While being irrelevant to the sinful elements of culture is absolutely what the church is called to do, we are not commanded to just be relevant to older cultures. Missionaries have learned this and work with their people to produce biblically-faithful AND culturally relevant Christianity.

As far as music, I love a lot of hymns, but the music is awful!! I love how many musicians are putting old words to new music. Whenever I hear an old style hymn next to a modern song, it just clashes so horribly, like plaid and polka dot! You can keep the words, just modify the tune and chord structure. It may be fine for Martin Luther, but it makes me cringe.

As to culture, there are many innocent cultural forms, such as music, clothes (as long as they cover up all the naughty parts), hairstyles, architecture, furniture, technology, language, and so many other things! However, the church must always take a strong stand against things that are universally sinful, such as extramarital sex, homosexuality, lying, stealing, drunkenness, rage, hatred, oppression, greed, violence against women, rape, murder, abortion, child abuse, racism, injustice, idolatry, and I'm sure there are others that I forgot to mention.

Let me say about language that the church needs to ensure that she is understood. People need to know what they accept/reject. When was the last time you heard someone use the words exalt, holy, sanctification, repentance, propitiation, or blasphemy in regular speech outside the church? Yet all these words were very secular first century words that everybody knew and used. What if instead we said, honor, pure, purification, turning away, satisfaction, or slander?

Finally, does anyone really like to be lectured? Traditional churches often want you to attend around five church lectures per week. Give me a break! All churches need to put up or shut up! Quit talking about it and do it! People learn better by doing anyway! Jesus always balanced his teaching approach between listening and doing. Gee, maybe we should do that too.

OK, I'm done with my little rants. Hopefully I've hit some nerves and people will send me some nasty hate mail. It's OK, I can take it.


Deanie said...

Go, baby! (I hope you're wearing flame-resistant clothes!)

Anonymous said...

i also like some of the great hymns put to more contemporary sounding music! i guess location & context should also have a lot of influence & how we roll.